Monday, 12 May 2008

Memories of Roy G Griffiths (pupil from 1943-48)

The following article containing Roy's memories is from the Association Newsletter
No 58 December 2004

Yet another former evacuee, Roy was pleased with the photos and articles about Monmouth in the last newsletter. Roy came to the reunion and also brought a pile of books and leaflets relating to Monmouth for our archives, passed on to him by Robert Treppass.

An e-mail arrived after the reunion which said, “Thank you for all the hard work you put into arranging yesterday’s visit to Monmouth – including arranging the excellent weather! Chris and I both found it fascinating to meet others from so far back in time – I even managed to recognise one or two! The day went very well. It was a great pleasure to meet the Headmaster of Monmouth School (and his car) and we thought that he and his wife were marvellous to entertain so many in their house and garden. Similarly, the owners of Leasbrook were exceptional in entertaining so many, but I found it fascinating to revisit the house and garden which had so many memories. It was interesting to hear from the owners’ daughter that her bedroom was the same room that I and 10 other first and second formers occupied – she no doubt has a little more luxury than we did!

One question arises, however, one that no-one that I have talked to can answer – how was it decided who should go to Monmouth and who should stay in Birmingham? Whilst at the time as an 11-year old, I was not too enthusiastic at the thought of going, it soon became “home” and, at the end of that single year, I did not want to return, and indeed did not do so until the last possible moment, before the new September term began for all in Birmingham.

It was good to meet and talk to Gill Leake. She confirmed that her younger brother, Humphrey, was fit and well and told me of his achievements – I had heard nothing of him in newsletters. Recollections of him are of the rota for escorting him back to Leasbrook after morning day-school, and more to the point, forgetting to do so, and having to run back to pick him up and still have time for lunch before retruning to Monmouth for the afternoon session.

One final question arose from our visit – how did CHD travel between Leasbrook and Monmouth School every day that he was there? I have no recollections as to his mode of transport. Little details, but all adding up to an overall picture for the record.”

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